Frequently Asked Questions

why is my kina roe different colours?

Don't worry; it's perfectly normal for kina roe to exhibit a variety of colors! The hue of the roe is always a delightful surprise, and there's no way to predict its color from the outside. While some suggest that it might be related to gender (with males having purple/brown roe and females having orange roe), we believe it's influenced by factors like age, water temperature, and the kina's diet. Regardless of the colour, all kina roe is perfectly fine to eat and offers a unique taste of the ocean.

We understand that the vibrant orange roe may seem more appealing, but it's worth noting that the brown variety are often sweeter! So embrace the diversity in colours and savour the rich flavours of the ocean in every bite.

the icepacks had melted and leaked by the time order arrived. is this normal?

Yes, it's entirely normal for our icepacks to melt and occasionally leak during transit. Our icepacks are homemade and designed to keep your seafood cool during shipping. As the icepacks melt, they help maintain the optimal temperature for your order, ensuring the seafood stays fresh and the fish start to become more active for their arrival at your door.

Rest assured that the leakage is usually just the result of our commitment to using eco-friendly and compostable materials (not as functional as plastic, but much better for the environment!). Rest assured we fill our icepacks with sea water so no harm will come to your fish if they leak.

If you have any concerns about the condition of your order upon arrival, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we're here to make sure you enjoy your seafood experience with us.

My crayfish weren't very lively upon arrival. Are they safe to eat?

The activity level of crayfish can vary based on the time of delivery. Crayfish delivered in the morning tend to have a lower body temperature, resulting in slower metabolism and reduced activity. As the day progresses and the crayfish slowly warm up, they usually become more active. If you receive your crayfish in the afternoon, they are typically livelier compared to those delivered in the morning.

To ensure the safety of your crayfish, we recommend checking for any signs of movement, particularly by examining the feelers around their mouth. If there is no movement or if your crayfish appear lifeless and/or warm, please reach out to us immediately. Your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities.

It's worth noting that our crayfish have a remarkable 99% survival rate, so you can order with confidence!