Keep the Sustainable Cycle Going with Pickled!

If you thought you couldn’t compost your fish guts, shells or other meat and bones - think again. Composting just got way easier.

We've been getting our hands dirty with ‘Bokashi’, a Japanese system that lets you ferment or "pickle" your food scraps before adding them to your compost or garden soil. It's a game-changer. The best part is, you can compost everything - from crayfish and kina shells to pāua guts - without any odours or pests.

Our friend Lydia, the mastermind behind Pickled Compost, has crafted her own special Bokashi flakes. She's on a mission to help people, like us, reduce waste and keep kaimoana scraps out of the bin. Best part is, it’s super easy - we promise!

Visit Lydia's website, go you greenies! Let's keep the sustainable food cycle going strong.


Finalist in the 2023 New Zealand Food Awards


Crayfish bisque